Pizza Village

Quest'anno la modalità di acquisto sarà del tutto digitale grazie a Qromo, startup fintech milanese, partner tecnologico dell'evento. Niente più casse infatti grazie alle soluzioni di Qromo, che permettono di ordinare e pagare direttamente da smartphone, semplicemente inquadrando un QR code e senza scaricare nessuna app
After having reached the milestone of 1 MILLION admissions in 2019 in Naples with the arrival of many Italian and foreign tourists and after the great success of the second edition in New York, the expectation is growing for the first and much desired edition in Milan, which will see the Pizza Village protagonist of the Milan Food Week.
As soon as possible, a village with a layout and a set up with attention to the smallest details and animated by the presence of the most renowned pizzerias and hundreds of top player pizza chefs from all over the world and ready to prepare pizzas for 4 days.
A beautiful event, a prestigious billboard with large live events and concerts with completely free access, but also exhibitions, conferences and seminars, entertainment and educational workshops for adults and children. All this, as always, with the precious participation and with the daily live broadcast of the first Italian radio, RTL 102.5, Official Media Partner.

Il Pizza Village, incoronato a Las Vegas "best food festival in the world", è un viaggio nel mondo della Pizza, un progetto di promozione del simbolo per eccellenza dell’italianità in tutto il mondo. Anno dopo anno, Pizza Village ha raccontato con i grandi eventi, il prodotto, gli artigiani e la filiera produttiva, diffondendone la cultura e le tradizioni.
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official sponsor

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un evento