Pizza Village
New York
Naples and New York have never been so close.
In 2018 PizzaVillage made its first appearance abroad and entered the scene as a special guest of the New York Pizza Festival, in the middle of Columbus Day week.
PizzaVillage, under the sponsorship of the Campania Region through the Department of Tourism Development and the Campania Regional Tourism Agency, together with the City Council of Naples, is a village set up in the world-famous neighborhood of the Bronx. This village has 30 pizza ovens that bring out different styles of pizza, including the New York style pizza, the Chicago Style pizza and the Neapolitan style pizza that is sweeping the Big Apple.
A real party in one of the most Italian neighborhoods of the city with the most famous American pizza makers, along with numerous world food testimonials and, above all, the “Dream Team” lined up by PizzaVillage with some of the most famous and recognized icons in the world: Master pizza makers and pizzerias that have written the history of the most famous dish representing Italy and Naples.
Naples and New York are unquestionably two places of worship for pizza and the presence of PizzaVillage in the Big Apple creates a real bridge over the Atlantic for lovers of this majestic Pizza.
The third edition of PizzaVillage in New York has been postponed.
The circumstances have led to the inevitable reschedule of the event. We hopefully, everything will return to the way it was before and we will be able to meet again embracing a good pizza.
The third edition of the Pizza Village in New York is obviously postponed.
The facts and everyone's moods led to the inevitable postponement, when, hopefully, everything will return to the way it was before and you can find yourself embraced in front of a good pizza.
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